Teacher's Aid

Schools have not changed much since 1904, argue the authors of How to Bring Our Schools out of the 20th Century (Wallis, Steptoe & Miranda, 2006). It seems like “old school” educators are finding excuses to not welcome in Blackboard 2.0 and keeping their old blackboards by their side.  Teachers should be pressured into taking on new ideas (Wallis, Steptoe & Miranda, 2006).

Teacher’s aids, like TeacherTube.com and Blackboard, create assistance to the educator like never before.  TeacherTube.com provides a safe way to share ideas without going through inappropriate ones on YouTube.com (TeacherTube, 2010). Teachers can now process their grades online with the click of a button, or make fun videos of themselves explaining physics while dressed up as Einstein. As learning becomes more enjoyable so will teaching. 

As an educator, student and parent, how have you adapted to the ever-changing technological environment?

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